Meeting Questions
Please click on the links below to see detailed answers to each of the following questions:
- Abstention on a round robin vote
- Access to the recording of a meeting
- Adding agenda points to the AGM at the meeting
- Agenda of AGM not approved
- Announcing the results of votes at a general meeting
- Budget sent with meeting notice was incorrect
- Can an owner call a general meeting
- Can we do a special resolution on a round robin
- Checking the quorum throughout the meeting
- Dealing with abstensions in voting
- Developer voting at Inaugural meeting
- Directions or restrictions on Trustees
- Do we need a special quorum for a special resolution at an adjourned meeting
- Emailing of General meeting notices
- Keeping of Minutebooks
- Managing Agent calling a general meeting
- Managing Agent chairing the AGM
- Managing volumes of meetings
- Nomination of Trustees
- Not being able to have face to face meetings
- Not being able to vote at a General meeting
- Not having an AGM
- Notice of Trustee meetings
- No quorum – waive AGM
- Owners attending
- Power of attorney
- Proxies for HOA AGM
- Proxy for jointly owned section
- Proxy for a Trustee meeting
- Proxy vs Resolution of Trust
- Quorum for adjourned meeting
- Quorum requirements for general meeting
- Registered post
- Representation at meetings
- Round robin AGM
- Signature of AGM Trustee report
- Short notice of a general meeting
- Taking legal action against the Developer
- Trustee meetings
- Trustee nominations and proxies at adjourned meetings
- Trustee report for the AGM
- Special resolution at adjourned meeting
- Special resolution cool off period
- Unanimous resolution at a meeting
- Using the Trustee report in the AFS for the AGM Trustee report
- Voting at the meeting
- Voting when owner of more than one section
- Voting when you have an interest in the matter
- Who can I give my proxy to for an AGM
- Who can attend the AGM