We have not had an AGM in two years – Our Chairperson states that this is due to Covid 19. What can we do?
Poor Covid 19 gets blamed for everything!
Luckily there is something positive that came from the pandemic. Online meetings. It is much easier now to get a quorum for a meeting as everyone can join in from wherever they are. Meetings have been found to be more successful this way – not only is it easier to get a quorum it is also easier to stick to the agenda and get through the business of the meeting quick and efficient. And for those that are tired of online meetings there is another solution – hybrid meetings. All our offices have the facility to host a meeting where some people show up in person and some attend online.
Our coastal regions also found this easier as the owners don’t have to travel and pay for accommodation just to attend a meeting.
The stipulation of the STSM Act that make online meetings possible is found in PMR 17(10) – this has been available since 7 Oct 2016.
17(10) A body corporate may make arrangements for attendance at an annual or special general meeting by telephone or any other method, if the method—
- is accessible to all members and other persons entitled to attend the meeting;
- permits all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other during the meeting; and
- permits the chairperson to confirm, with reasonable certainty, the identity of the participants.
The same is possible for Trustee meetings (PMR 11(5))