Employees of the Body Corporate

Employees of the Body Corporate

Cut – Off Dates are sent to the PM’s on a monthly basis for circulation to trustees, chairmen,

supervisors, depending on who is responsible for the management of the staff at the building. These cut off dates assists as to when all salary correspondence must be received by the payroll office at Trafalgar to run the monthly payroll for the BC, it is important to adhere to these dates, as there is a specific date which the 25th of the month when the BC staff salaries are paid to their staff, there are months where the 25th falls on a weekend so payday is processed for the last working day being the Friday before, certain months there is a public holiday, so that payday will yet again shift to accommodate the payment to BC staff timeously. In the month of December most BC staff are paid on in the 2nd week of the month due to many going away for Christmas, here the staff are paid their December salary and their bonus before Christmas. 

As an example of a month

* Cut of date for the month for all salary correspondence to be sent to Trafalgar is around about the 18 June 2013

* Salaries captured by the payroll administrator from 01/06/2013 to 18/06/2013

* First draft (09 Report) sent to all Portfolio Managers to review- 14/06/2013

* Final draft (09 Report) sent to all PM’s for authorisation to process payments – 19/06/2013

* Trust processes salaries into our salary bank account on 21/06/2013

* Upload salaries to the bank on the 24/06/2013

* Payday – 25/06/2013

What is important to remember is that BC staff Take On’s onto the payroll, their correct information,

is received to make the transition onto the payroll that much quicker and easier, for example

Requirements to load employee onto payroll: Employment Contract – Gives the payroll clerk all of the information on working times, to work out hourly rates for overtime purposes and also if there are any days to be deducted, it helps to ensure correct calculations are made.

Certified copy of I.D – on injury on duty, the IOD documents together with a certified copy of the ID must be submitted to the WCA for approval.

Proof of Banking Details – this is to ensure that salary is being paid into the correct account to the correct employee.

SARS – If the Body Corporate is registered for PAYE, SDL & UIF – All SARS documents must be sent through to HR, as HR will ensure timeous monthly payments are made to SARS on behalf of the BC for their staff

WCA – When an employee is IOD, a WCL2 claim form is completed by the BC (Responsible person for staff at the building) and submitted to Trafalgar to forward to the WCA, for payment to the employee while being booked off by the doctor, but one has to remember that all WCA payments for every year since inception of employment of an employee at a BC must be up to date. In summary annually in March a WCA Return of Earnings is completed by the payroll clerk at Trafalgar, the information is taken from the payroll for the prior year and also includes all causal employee payments, as causal employed for a certain period are also covered by same, this ROE, is then submitted to the Compensation Commissioner’s office for review and assessment, on assessment, the BC will received an invoice of assessment to be paid to the CC office.