Gas installation in section

One of the owners want to install a gas stove in his unit due to the constant loadshedding. What kind of permission is needed for this?

The short answer is that ito the STSM Act he does not need permission for improvements inside his unit.  It is only when it is affecting common property that he needs permission – we dealt with this in a previous Question of the week.

If we look at gas installations however it is not only the STSM Act that comes into play.  From an insurance perspective I received the following from our inhouse brokers TFS:

Each gas installation/upgrade must be completed in accordance to the regulations of both the South African National Standard (SANS: 10087) and with the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Association of South Africa (LPGSA) and SAQCC Gas.

According to the regulations SANS 10087-1:2013, All gas installations must have a Certificate of Conformity according to the Pressure Equipment Regulations that have been promulgated under the Occupation Health and Safety Act (No 85 of 1993).

While this may sound like a complex, legal document – essentially it is a certificate that states that the installation has been properly inspected and is determined to be safe and leak free. It is critical that this certificate is also issued by an authorized person who is registered with the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Association of Southern Africa (LPGAS) and SAQCC Gas.

So now if your home is damaged or destroyed, as a result of a defective gas appliance and you do not have a valid certificate issued by someone registered with LPGAS – the insurance implications could be significant. An insurance company would be well within their rights to repudiate a claim which could have severe financial repercussions for the home-owner/estate.

Be sure to install with a registered Installer. There are a lot of installers out there that are not registered and this can cause a home owner major problem with insurance companies. Please remember that a plumber is not qualified to install gas unless he can present to you his SAQCC Card.

For all home owners with gas installations already installed on their property or for those planning on doing so in the future, it is vital to ensure compliance with all the above regulations and regulations as stated in the SANS 10087-1:2013 not only to ensure you adhere to stipulations within your home owner’s insurance policy but to also make sure you and your precious family are safe from any gas related disasters.

There could also be Council bylaws regarding gas installations – so that must also be checked.