Caretaker Training

Sectional Title Caretaker Training

Recognising that caretakers are very often the first responders and ‘ eyes and ears’  on the ground in a sectional title complex, we have developed a training course comprising 9 modules, aimed at informing caretakers about a range of important and practical sectional title topics to be better informed to perform their roles effectively. Experience has shown that well trained and effective caretakers greatly assist Trustees and managing agents to achieve high standards of facility and property management, significantly benefiting residents. This course is offered as 9 webinar modules which can either be covered online or otherwise at a nearby Trafalgar branch based on a prior booking. Caretakers who complete all 9 modules will be issued with a certificate of completion to recognise their training efforts.

Course enrollment is now closed.
It will re-open on the 18th of Jan 2024

Please complete the form below to enroll for the course